Monday, December 7, 2015

Chennai floods, heart vs mind

Hare Krsna Dear Friends,

Please join me in praying for the well-being of Chennai residents.

Please allow me to enter your heart in identifying the need for
transforming our collective consciousness.   The relief efforts IIT
did in the wake of Chennai floods, a man-made disaster, is good.
However, we should influence the society positively so that man-made
disasters can be avoided.  Our role in the society should  be that of
Guru of the society; not just emergency relief efforts. That makes it
possible to avoid this and other future disasters altogether.

The floods in Chennai are very unfortunate and bear semblance to
Katrina disaster in America in 2004.  In both the cases, heavy rains
and breaching of lakes resulted in water flowing into the city.  In
Chennai case, there is rampant building on water bodies and water
pathways, resulting in the blocking of natural river ways that would
drain water into the sea.  For example, the Buckingham canal is
clogged due to it being used as a waste dump due to which the water
could not drain in the sea.    In addition, due to the rampant
deforestation the speed of rain water runoff is not slowed down.

Unlike Katrina, it was nice to see that the social structure and
culture of Chennai being intact in this calamity. There was no
looting. This is India's real strength: people's happiness is not
dependent on economic indicators.

The storm water drainage problems were foreseen by a few people.  All
over India, this it is quite well known that we have no proper urban
planning.  But why were the right steps not taken to take the society
in a positive direction? That is because the hearts and minds of
people in right places are disconnected. The heart wants to do the
right thing, but the mind finds an excuse to postpone doing the right
thing to next year, next decade or next generation.

Heart loses; mind wins. This is the public policy crisis Chennai,
India and the world faces.  People know what is the right thing to do.
But our heart is not strong enough to make the right decision.  The
mind concocts its own own reason as to why short-term profit taking is
more important that strategic decision making.

We have a cancer of the blood, of our collective consciousness.  This
cancer is corroding our societal skeleton.  Applying a bandage on a
boil on skin is not sufficient. Unless we clean the blood, the boils
will keep appearing. In that sense, our efforts to provide emergency
disaster relief, while important, is a short-term adhoc fix. We need
to follow up with a fix for our collective consciousness to do the
right things (respect mother earth, respect civil rights of humans,
animals and plants, adequate city planning etc).

IIT alumni and other leaders of the society should lead the way in
cleaning our collective consciousness.  The way to do it is that each
of us spends certain time connecting with our inner self, and when
possible motivates our friends to connect with our inner self.  As
each individual connect with their inner self, one would realize that
the energy of all human beings is interlinked. Nay, the energy of all
living beings is interlinked. What goes around comes back.

We are all pleasure seekers. As we dig into our inner self, one would
realize that our true essence is bliss.  The happiness within our self
far exceed the happiness from external things.

Leading thinkers such as Decartes, Poincare, Mozhart, Bethoven have
hypothesized that this inner self is what gives our thoughts,
remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. Thus, I request each of you
to connect internally with our inner-self, for say ten minutes a day.
We need improve our collective consciousness and motivate each other
to make the right decisions to avoid catastrophes like man-made

India is actually the world leader, Guru, in the technology to connect
the heart and mind; its called devotion.  The Indian understanding of
the mind, and subconscious self is super-excellent.   We live in a
world dragged by sectarianism, nuclear war risks and catastrophic
environmental damage.

West Asia (Syria, Iraq, Turkey) is on the boil. Recently we have seen
a fighter jet confrontation between Russia, and NATO; the first time
in 55 years. We are on the cusp of the next cold war or world war. The
duty of any Indian ought to be take the knowledge and cutlure of India
to the whole world for the sake of world peace.

About fifty years ago, knowledge and wisdom were the ornaments of an
individual. Today, money is considered the ornament.  This model is
ridiculous as no amount of money or things can satisfy the self. Only
selfless service and love satisfy the service. Unfortunately the
modern educational system does not understands this and instead
perpuates unrestricted greed.  This bound to result in a catastrophe.

We need to arrest this trend. Please connect with your inner self for
ten minutes a day.


We must know the present need of human society. And what is that need?
Human society is no longer bounded by geographical limits to
particular countries or communities. Human society is broader than in
the Middle Ages, and the world tendency is toward one state or one
human society. The ideals of spiritual communism, according to Yoga,
are based more or less on the oneness of the entire human society,
nay, of the entire energy of living beings. The need is felt by great
thinkers to make this a successful ideology. Yoga will fill this need
in human society.

Human society, at the present moment, is not in the darkness of
oblivion. It has made rapid progress in the fields of material
comforts, education and economic development throughout the entire
world. But there is a pinprick somewhere in the social body at large,
and therefore there are large-scale quarrels, even over less important
issues. There is need of a clue as to how humanity can become one in
peace, friendship and prosperity with a common cause. Yoga will fill
this need, for it is a cultural presentation for the
respiritualization of the entire human society.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

World Health Organization: Processed meat causes cancer

The World Health Organization said Monday that eating processed meat such as sausages and ham causes cancer, while unprocessed red meat may also be carcinogenic.
The WHO's cancer research unit now classifies processed meat as "carcinogenic to humans" based on evidence from hundreds of studies, and linked it specifically to colon, or colorectal, cancer.
The report outlined that simply eating 50 grams of processed meat each day -- the equivalent of two slices of ham -- can increase the risk of such cancer by 18%. However, the authors say the risks are relatively small to begin with.The organization defines processed meat as any type of meat that is salted, cured or smoked to enhance its flavor or preserve it. Processed meat generally contains pork or beef, but may also contain poultry.
The WHO now classifies processed meat in the same category as smoking and asbestos, based on its certainty of a link with cancer, but stressed that did not mean they were equally dangerous.
Unprocessed red meat such as steak and lamb shanks is classified as "probably carcinogenic."
The WHO said the finding was important for public health since processed meat is so widely consumed. However, it said red meat still has "nutritional value."
"These results are important in enabling governments and international regulatory agencies to conduct risk assessments, in order to balance the risks and benefits of eating red meat and processed meat and to provide the best possible dietary recommendations," said Christopher Wild, head of the WHO's cancer agency, in a statement.
According to estimates cited by the WHO, about 34,000 cancer deaths per year worldwide can be attributed to diets that are high in processed meat. That's a small fraction of the 8.2 million deaths caused by cancer in 2012, according to the latest WHO data.
Meat industry groups slammed the WHO report as biased and misleading.
"They tortured the data to ensure a specific outcome," said Betsy Booren, vice president of scientific affairs at the North American Meat Institute.
The National Cattlemen's Beef Association said the scientists who issued the report were split on their decision to make an explicit link between red meat with cancer.
"As a registered dietitian and mother, my advice hasn't changed," said Shalene McNeill, an executive director at the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. "To improve all aspects of your health, eat a balanced diet, which includes lean meats like beef, maintain a healthy weight, be physically active and, please don't smoke."

Monday, October 26, 2015

How Nukes Were Almost Launched From Okinawa During Cuban Missile Crisis

Aaron Tovish is calling on the U.S. government to release documents pertaining to one of the scarier incidents of the Cuban Missile Crisis. According to an Air Force airman, the system designed to prevent an accidental launch of nuclear weapons failed as the codes ordering a launch were given in each of the three transmissions required for a launch: "By Bordne's account, at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Air Force crews on Okinawa were ordered to launch 32 missiles, each carrying a large nuclear warhead. Only caution and the common sense and decisive action of the line personnel receiving those orders prevented the launches -- and averted the nuclear war that most likely would have ensued."

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Limitation of scientism

Suppose someone uses a map to travel to a friend’s house. At each step during the journey, suppose the map guides them well, and their faith in it increases more and more. Finally when they reach their friend’s house and see him, they check their map, don’t find him there and declare, “You don’t exist.” Their friend would be right to retort, “Your intelligence doesn’t exist – the map is not meant to show people. It doesn’t show all of reality.”

Science acts like a map for navigating material reality. The scientific picture of nature enables us to reliably do things such as getting where we want to go. Being enamored by these navigational abilities, some people deem science the only reliable source of knowledge about everything. Thus, they become believers of scientism.

What’s wrong with scientism? It misrepresents science. Mainstream science doesn’t show all of reality. Operating on the premise of methodological naturalism, it looks for material explanations for material phenomena while saying nothing about any nonmaterial factors. In principle, the map of naturalist science isn’t meant to depict nonmaterial realities such as consciousness.

When believers of scientism encounter consciousness, especially its irreducible subjective dimension, they deny its existence by deeming its locus – our sense of self – a neurochemical illusion. But it is only because they have consciousness that they can say anything about it, either its existence or non-existence. Put another way, only because consciousness is real can they make the absurd claim that it is not real.

The Bhagavad-gita (16.09) indicates that people destroy their soul because of buying into a fanatically materialistic worldview (16.08). If instead we study the Gita’s wisdom, we can intellectually grasp the reality of the soul and gradually by the practice of yoga realize it to be our essence.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Compassion, goal of life, liberation, prayers, karma

I write below in honor of Prahlad, a king in the yester years who ruled Indian subcontinent  and Vasudeva Datta who lived in Bengal in 1500s. These individuals are an epitome of compassion.  Somehow my heart skips a beat when I run into these two. I feel they touch me very deep. On a plane of consciousness, they are the same incarnation.

The goal of life is to develop compassion to all living beings: human, animals and plants. Compassion, not computer chips or not oil or not software engineers is the most precious commodity in the world.

It is said in India that the purpose of life is dharma, artha, kama and moksha. This translates to justice, economic gains, sense gratification and liberation.

Christians believe that Lord Jesus Christ, their spiritual master, appeared in order to eradicate all the sins of his disciples.

Jesus Christ relieved only his followers from all sinful reactions, but Vasudeva Datta is here prepared to accept the sins of everyone in the universe.

Vasudeva Datta is so liberal that he is prepared to risk everything to rescue the conditioned souls from material existence. Srila Vasudeva Datta Thakura is universal love itself, for he was willing to sacrifice everything and fully engage in the service of others.

Lord Jesus Christ certainly finished the sinful reactions of his followers by his mercy, but that does not mean he completely delivered them from the pangs of material existence. A person may be relieved from sins once, but it is a practice to confess sins and yet commit them again. By getting freed from sins and again engaging in them, one cannot attain freedom from the pangs of material existence. A diseased person may go to a physician for relief, but after he leaves the hospital he may again be infected due to his unclean habits. Thus material existence continues. Srila Vasudeva Datta wanted to completely relieve the conditioned souls from
material existence so that they would no longer have an opportunity to commit sinful acts.  It is a great offense to receive pardon for sins and then commit the same sins again. Such an offense is more dangerous than the sinful activity itself. Vasudeva Datta was so liberal that he requested to transfer all offensive activity upon him so the conditioned souls would be purified. This prayer was certainly without duplicity.

Vasudeva Datta was para-duhkha-duhkhi, very much aggrieved to see others suffer. The entire world is purified simply by the appearance of such a great humanist. By and large there innumerable humanists in India  who have prayed for good for whole world, irrespective of self situation. That is the fundamental strength of India. The summary of Indian philosophy is energy of all living beings (plants, animals, humans) is same. Let us all be at peace with each other.

I request all Indians to work towards this ideal. Let India become the Guru of the world.

Om shanti om shanti om shanti is the prayer that expresses this.

Om shanti om shanti om shanti
Om tat sat

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Women, love and pride

All these conclusions are unfit to disclose in public. But if they are not disclosed, no one will understand them.

Therefore I shall mention them, revealing only their essence, so that loving devotees will understand them but others will not.

All these conclusions are like the newly grown twigs of a mango tree; they are always pleasing to the devotees, who in this way resemble cuckoo birds.


The pride of the women is like a river flowing with hundreds of tributaries.

The characteristics and modes of love are different in different women. Their jealous anger also takes on different varieties and qualities.

It is not possible to give a complete statement about the different types of jealous anger manifest by the women, but a few principles may serve as an indication.

There are three types of women experiencing jealous anger: sober women, restless women and women both restless and sober.

When a sober heroine sees her hero approaching from a distance, she immediately stands up to receive him. When he comes near, she immediately offers him a place to sit.

"The sober heroine conceals her anger within her heart and externally speaks sweet words. When her lover embraces her, she returns his embrace.

"The sober heroine is very simple in her behavior. She keeps her jealous anger within her heart, but with mild words and smiles she rejects the advances of her lover.

The restless heroine, however, sometimes chastises her lover with cruel words, sometimes pulls his ear and sometimes binds him with a flower garland.

The heroine who is a combination of sobriety and restlessness always jokes with equivocal words. She sometimes praises her lover, sometimes blasphemes him and sometimes remains indifferent.

Heroines may also be classified as captivated, intermediate and impudent. The captivated heroine does not know very much about the cunning intricacies of jealous anger.

The captivated heroine simply covers her face and goes on crying. When she hears sweet words from her lover, she is very satisfied.


This is inspired and dedicated to Svarup Damodar. Actually to Damodar.

Vegetarianism is good for the environment

This chart shows that vegetarianism is good for the environment. It is good for your body, mind and soul too!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Meet The Man Who Prevented World War III

You may have never heard of Vasili Arkhipov. And yet life as we know it on this planet could have ended if it were not for his crucial intervention during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Born in 1926, Arkhipov saw action as a minesweeper during the Soviet-Japanese war in August 1945. Two years later he graduated from the Caspian Higher Naval School, serving in the Black Sea and Baltic submarine fleets – just in time for the start of the Cold War, which would stay with him for the rest of his service.
During the 1950s the Soviets became very concerned about the US’ lead in submarines. They eventually rushed the development and construction of the K-19, the first of two new Hotel-class ballistic missile submarines. However, things did not go smoothly. Eleven people died due to accidents and fires during the construction phase. To top everything off, the champagne bottle used in the inauguration ceremony failed to break.
These were frightening omens for the crew. But they could scarcely imagine the events that would unfold soon after.
Arkhipov was appointed deputy commander of the K-19 in its maiden voyage in July 1961, under the command of Captain Nikolai Zateyev. After a few days conducting exercises off the coast of Greenland, the submarine developed a major leak in its reactor coolant system, leading to the failure of the cooling pumps. Radio communications were affected and the crew was unable to contact Moscow.
With no backup system, Zateyev ordered the seven members of the engineering crew to come up with a solution and avoid a nuclear meltdown. This required the men to work in high radiation for extended periods. Sacrificing their own lives, they bootstrapped a secondary coolant system and kept the reactor from a meltdown.
The incident irradiated the entire crew, including Arkhipov. All members of the engineering crew and their divisional officer died of radiation exposure within a month. Fifteen more sailors died from the aftereffects of radiation exposure over the following two years. This incident was immortalized in the 2002 Hollywood movie “K-19: The Widowmaker”, starring Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson (both featuring terrible Russian accents).
The Cold War started heating up soon after. In July of 1962, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev agreed to Cuba’s request to place nuclear missiles in Cuba as a deterrent to future US interference, pursuant to the Bay of Pigs invasion debacle a few years earlier. In mid-October, a US reconnaissance airplane produced evidence of medium and long range Soviet ballistic missiles on the site, sending alarm bells ringing in Washington DC.
US President John F. Kennedy promptly established a military blockade to prevent further missiles from entering Cuba and demanded that the missiles be dismantled and returned to the Soviet Union. Over the following days the world came close to the brink of nuclear war as the two blocks vigorously asserted their positions.
Nobody realized at the time just how close to disaster they really were. And that’s where Arkhipov would make his decisive contribution to world history.
Arkhipov was second-in-command in the nuclear-armed Foxtrot-class submarine B-59, part of a flotilla of four submarines protecting Soviet ships on their way to Cuba. On October 27, as they approached the US imposed quarantine line, US Navy ships in pursuit started dropping depth charges to force the B-59 to surface for identification – completely unaware that it was carrying nuclear weapons.
The explosions rocked the submarine which went dark except for emergency lights. With the air-conditioning down, temperature and carbon dioxide levels rose sharply. The crew was hardly able to breathe.
Unable to contact Moscow and under pressure from the Americans for several hours, Captain Valentin Savitsky finally lost his nerve. He assumed that war had broken out between the two countries and decided to launch a nuclear torpedo. He would not go down without a fight.
However, unlike the other submarines in the flotilla, the three officers onboard the B-59 had to agree unanimously to launch the nuclear torpedo. As the other officer sided with Savitsky, only Arkhipov stood in the way of launching World War III.
An argument broke out between the three, but Arkhipov was able to convince the Captain not to launch the torpedo. How was he able to prevail under such stressful conditions? He was actually in charge of the entire flotilla and as such was equal in rank to Savitsky. But the reputation he had gained during the K-19 incident may have been the decisive factor in convincing the other officers to abort the launch. That detail may have made all the difference.
The submarine eventually surfaced and awaited orders from Moscow, averting what would have been a nuclear holocaust. The Cuban Missile Crisis ended a few days later.
This crucial episode of the Cold War only became known to the West after the collapse of the Soviet Union many years later.
Arkhipov continued to serve in the Soviet Navy, commanding submarines and later submarine squadrons. He was promoted to rear admiral in 1975 and became head of the Kirov Naval Academy. In 1981, he was promoted to vice admiral, retiring a few years later. The radiation he was exposed to in the K-19 incident contributed to his death in 1998, at age 72. 
It is frightening to ponder how closely the civilized world came to the brink of extinction. It was only a click away, with two out of three in favor.
It may not have been the only time either. Who knows how many more Soviet and American personnel played a decisive role in averting nuclear annihilation? One person can indeed change the fate of the world.
We should never let their stories be forgotten.

Original story here and here

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Argument to end religious sectarianism

Religious sectarianism is killing civil society. While discussing whether A is better or B is better, people are forgetting that good is both in A and B.

Sanātana-dharma refers to the eternal occupation of the living entity. Śrīpāda Rāmānujācārya has explained the word sanātana as “that which has neither beginning nor end,”

The English word religion is a little different from sanātana-dharma.Religion conveys the idea of faith, and faith may change. One may have faith in a particular process, and he may change this faith and adopt another, but sanātana-dharma refers to that activity which cannot be changed.

For instance, liquidity cannot be taken from water, nor can heat be taken from fire. Similarly, the eternal function of the eternal living entity cannot be taken from the living entity. Sanātana-dharma is eternally integral with the living entity. When we speak of sanātana-dharma, therefore, we must take it for granted on the authority of Śrīpāda Rāmānujācārya that it has neither beginning nor end. That which has neither end nor beginning must not be sectarian, for it cannot be limited by any boundaries. Those belonging to some sectarian faith will wrongly consider that sanātana-dharma is also sectarian, but if we go deeply into the matter and consider it in the light of modern science, it is possible for us to see that sanātana-dharma is the business of all the people of the world – nay, of all the living entities of the universe

 A living being serves other living beings in various capacities. By doing so, the living entity enjoys life. The lower animals serve human beings as servants serve their master. A serves B master, B serves C master, and C serves D master and so on. Under these circumstances, we can see that one friend serves another friend, the mother serves the son, the wife serves the husband, the husband serves the wife and so on. If we go on searching in this spirit, it will be seen that there is no exception in the society of living beings to the activity of service. The politician presents his manifesto for the public to convince them of his capacity for service. The voters therefore give the politician their valuable votes, thinking that he will render valuable service to society. The shopkeeper serves the customer, and the artisan serves the capitalist. The capitalist serves the family, and the family serves the state in the terms of the eternal capacity of the eternal living being. In this way we can see that no living being is exempt from rendering service to other living beings, and therefore we can safely conclude that service is the constant companion of the living being and that the rendering of service is the eternal religion of the living being.

Yet man professes to belong to a particular type of faith with reference to particular time and circumstance and thus claims to be a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or an adherent of any other sect. Such designations are non–sanātana-dharma. A Hindu may change his faith to become a Muslim, or a Muslim may change his faith to become a Hindu, or a Christian may change his faith and so on. But in all circumstances the change of religious faith does not affect the eternal occupation of rendering service to others. The Hindu, Muslim or Christian in all circumstances is a servant of someone. Thus, to profess a particular type of faith is not to profess one’s sanātana-dharma. The rendering of service is sanātana-dharma.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Antibiotics and other chemicals in food are killing us!

Please read the full report here:

Chain Reaction is a new report and scorecard that grades America’s top restaurant chains’ on their policies and practices regarding antibiotics use and transparency in their meat and poultry supply chains. All but five companies received a failing grade.
70-80 percent of antibiotics sold in the U.S. are used in factory farms. This practice enables crowded, filthy conditions for animals and drives antibiotic resistance that threatens our health. 
- See more at:

Other links:

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Ayurveda tip on digestion

Don't drink 45 mins before meals and for 1hr 45mins after meal to help your digestion.

Dr Anurag Jain MD Ayurved Indore

ये जानना बहुत जरुरी है ...
हम पानी क्यों ना पीये खाना खाने के बाद।
क्या कारण है |

हमने दाल खाई,
हमने सब्जी खाई,
हमने रोटी खाई,
हमने दही खाया
लस्सी पी ,
दूध,दही छाझ लस्सी फल आदि|,
ये सब कुछ भोजन के रूप मे हमने ग्रहण किया
ये सब कुछ हमको उर्जा देता है
और पेट उस उर्जा को आगे ट्रांसफर करता है |
पेट मे एक छोटा सा स्थान होता है जिसको हम हिंदी मे कहते है "अमाशय"
उसी स्थान का संस्कृत नाम है "जठर"|
उसी स्थान को अंग्रेजी मे कहते है
" epigastrium "|

ये एक थेली की तरह होता है
और यह जठर हमारे शरीर मे सबसे
महत्वपूर्ण है
क्योंकि सारा खाना सबसे पहले इसी मे आता है।

ये बहुत छोटा सा स्थान हैं
इसमें अधिक से अधिक 350GMS खाना आ सकता है |
हम कुछ भी खाते सब ये अमाशय मे आ जाता है|

आमाशय मे अग्नि प्रदीप्त होती है उसी को कहते हे"जठराग्न"।
|ये जठराग्नि है वो अमाशय मे प्रदीप्त होने वाली आग है ।

ऐसे ही पेट मे होता है जेसे ही आपने खाना खाया की जठराग्नि प्रदीप्त हो गयी |
यह ऑटोमेटिक है,जेसे ही अपने रोटी का पहला टुकड़ा मुँह मे डाला की इधर जठराग्नि प्रदीप्त हो गई|
▶ ये अग्नि तब तक जलती हे जब तक खाना पचता है | ◀

🔹अब अपने खाते ही गटागट पानी पी लिया और खूब ठंडा पानी पी लिया|

और कई लोग तो बोतल पे बोतल पी जाते है |

अब जो आग (जठराग्नि) जल रही थी वो बुझ गयी|

🔹आग अगर बुझ गयी तो खाने की पचने की जो क्रिया है वो रुक गयी|

🔸अब हमेशा याद रखें खाना जाने पर हमारे पेट में दो ही क्रिया होती है,

एक क्रिया है जिसको हम कहते हे "Digestion"  और दूसरी है "fermentation"
फर्मेंटेशन का मतलब है सडना
और डायजेशन का मतलब हे पचना|

🔸आयुर्वेद के हिसाब से आग जलेगी तो खाना पचेगा,खाना पचेगा तो उससे रस बनेगा|

जो रस बनेगा तो उसी रस से मांस,मज्जा,रक्त,वीर्य,हड्डिया,मल,मूत्र और अस्थि बनेगा और सबसे अंत मे मेद बनेगा|

🔸ये तभी होगा जब खाना पचेगा|🔸

यह सब हमें चाहिए|

ये तो हुई खाना पचने की बात
अब जब खाना सड़ेगा तब क्या होगा..?

खाने के सड़ने पर सबसे पहला जहर जो बनता है वो हे यूरिक एसिड (uric acid )

|कई बार आप डॉक्टर के पास जाकर कहते है की मुझे घुटने मे दर्द हो रहा है,
मुझे कंधे-कमर मे दर्द हो रहा है

तो डॉक्टर कहेगा आपका यूरिक एसिड बढ़ रहा है आप ये दवा खाओ, वो दवा खाओ
यूरिक एसिड कम करो|

और एक दूसरा उदाहरण खाना

जब खाना सड़ता है, तो यूरिक एसिड जेसा ही एक दूसरा विष बनता है जिसको हम कहते हे
LDL (Low Density lipoprotive)
माने खराब कोलेस्ट्रोल (cholesterol )|

जब आप ब्लड प्रेशर(BP) चेक कराने डॉक्टर के पास जाते हैं तो वो आपको कहता है (HIGH BP )

हाई-बीपी है आप पूछोगे कारण बताओ?

तो वो कहेगा कोलेस्ट्रोल बहुत ज्यादा बढ़ा हुआ है |

आप ज्यादा पूछोगे की कोलेस्ट्रोल कौनसा बहुत है ?

तो वो आपको कहेगा LDL बहुत है |

इससे भी ज्यादा खतरनाक एक  विष हे
वो है VLDL
(Very Low Density lipoprotive)|

ये भी कोलेस्ट्रॉल जेसा ही विष है।
अगर VLDL बहुत बढ़ गया तो आपको भगवान भी नहीं बचा सकता|

खाना सड़ने पर और जो जहर बनते है उसमे एक ओर विष है जिसको अंग्रेजी मे हम कहते है triglycerides|

जब भी डॉक्टर आपको कहे की आपका "triglycerides" बढ़ा हुआ हे तो समज लीजिए की आपके शरीर मे विष निर्माण हो रहा है |

तो कोई यूरिक एसिड के नाम से कहे,कोई कोलेस्ट्रोलn के नाम से कहे, कोई LDL -VLDL के नाम से कहे समझ लीजिए की ये
विष हे और ऐसे विष 103 है |

ये सभी विष तब बनते है जब खाना सड़ता है |

मतलब समझ लीजिए किसी का कोलेस्ट्रोल बढ़ा हुआ है तो एक ही मिनिट मे ध्यान आना चाहिए की खाना पच नहीं रहा है ,

कोई कहता हे मेरा triglycerides बहुत बढ़ा हुआ है तो एक ही मिनिट मे डायग्नोसिस कर लीजिए आप ! की आपका खाना पच नहीं रहा है |

कोई कहता है मेरा यूरिक एसिड बढ़ा हुआ है तो एक ही मिनिट लगना चाहिए समझने मे की खाना पच नहीं रहा है |

क्योंकि खाना पचने पर इनमे से कोई भी जहर नहीं बनता|

खाना पचने पर जो बनता है वो है मांस,मज्जा,रक्त ,वीर्य,हड्डिया,मल,मूत्र,अस्थि


खाना नहीं पचने पर बनता है यूरिक एसिड, कोलेस्ट्रोल

और यही आपके शरीर को रोगों का घर बनाते है !

पेट मे बनने वाला यही जहर जब
ज्यादा बढ़कर खून मे आते है ! तो खून दिल की नाड़ियो मे से निकल नहीं पाता और रोज थोड़ा थोड़ा कचरा जो खून मे आया है इकट्ठा होता रहता है और एक दिन नाड़ी को ब्लॉक कर देता है
*जिसे आप heart attack कहते हैं !

तो हमें जिंदगी मे ध्यान इस बात पर देना है
की जो हम खा रहे हे वो शरीर मे ठीक से पचना चाहिए
और खाना ठीक से पचना चाहिए इसके लिए पेट मे ठीक से आग (जठराग्नि) प्रदीप्त होनी ही चाहिए|

क्योंकि बिना आग के खाना पचता नहीं हे और खाना पकता भी नहीं है

🔹* महत्व की बात खाने को खाना नहीं खाने को पचाना है |

आपने क्या खाया कितना खाया वो महत्व नहीं हे।

खाना अच्छे से पचे इसके लिए वाग्भट्ट जी ने सूत्र दिया !!

"भोजनान्ते विषं वारी"
🔸🔸 (मतलब खाना खाने के तुरंत बाद पानी पीना जहर पीने के बराबर
है )🔸🔸

* इसलिए खाने के तुरंत बाद पानी कभी मत पिये!*

अब आपके मन मे सवाल आएगा कितनी देर तक नहीं पीना ???

तो 1 घंटे 48 मिनट तक नहीं पीना !

अब आप कहेंगे इसका क्या calculation हैं ??

बात ऐसी है !

जब हम खाना खाते हैं तो जठराग्नि द्वारा सब एक दूसरे मे मिक्स होता है और फिर खाना पेस्ट मे बदलता हैं है !

पेस्ट मे बदलने की क्रिया होने तक 1 घंटा 48 मिनट
का समय लगता है !

उसके बाद जठराग्नि कम हो जाती है !

(बुझती तो नहीं लेकिन बहुत
धीमी हो जाती है )

पेस्ट बनने के बाद शरीर मे रस बनने की परिक्रिया शुरू होती है !

तब हमारे शरीर को पानी की जरूरत होती हैं ।

तब आप जितना इच्छा हो उतना पानी पिये !!

जो बहुत मेहनती लोग है (खेत मे हल चलाने वाले ,रिक्शा खीचने वाले पत्थर तोड़ने वाले)

उनको 1 घंटे के बाद ही रस बनने
लगता है उनको  घंटे बाद
पानी पीना चाहिए !

अब आप कहेंगे खाना खाने के पहले कितने मिनट तक पानी पी सकते हैं ???

तो खाना खाने के 45 मिनट पहले तक आप पानी पी सकते हैं !

अब आप पूछेंगे ये मिनट का calculation ????

बात ऐसी ही जब हम पानी पीते हैं
तो वो शरीर के प्रत्येक अंग तक जाता है !

और अगर बच जाये तो 45 मिनट बाद मूत्र पिंड तक पहुंचता है !

तो पानी - पीने से मूत्र पिंड तक आने का समय 45 मिनट का है !

तो आप खाना खाने से 45 मिनट पहले ही पाने पिये !

इसका जरूर पालण करे !

अधिक अधिक लोगो को बताएं
post share करे !!

बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद !

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Palace of Gold visit

I write below of my recent vacation in Moundsville, West Virginia, USA, near Pittsburgh. I visited a 500 acre farm comunity at New Vrinvavan. The pinnacle of the farm is a memorial for Mr. Abhay Charan, also known Srila Prabhupada (1896-1977).  This farm is an epitome of simple thinking and high thinking, which actually provides an answer to the intellectual challenges of our civilization dragged by nuclear war or terrorism risks, religious sectarianism and environmental catastrophe.

When was the last time you remember a memorial built to honor an Indian? I could think of Gandhi's Raj Ghat. I could think of Indira Gandhi's Sakthi Sthal. Despite my somewhat extensive travel in India, I cannot truly recollect me visiting a memorial to celebrate an Indian (apart from Swami Vivekananda memorial at Kanyakumari).   Shouldn't we be celebrating Indians more?

In this context, it is truly amazing that the white and black Americans had built a memorial for Srila Prabhupada in American heartland, especially much before Indians started to migrate to America. What motivated these Americans to give up their jobs, families, hippie lifestyle to use their labor to build a monument for an Indian who spent only about 10-12 years in America?  By the Princeton and Harvard metrics, after World War II, America was at the peak of it success: sky scrappers, newly build highways, nuclear bombs, rockets, spaceships were in abundance. But the younger generation realized that metal, and concrete does not satisfy the self. The deepest need of humans, animals, and plants is to love all beings and be loved by all. In the absence of love, metal and concrete is useless. Houston, we have a problem.

In this state of discontent, America set off on the path of the Vietnam war fiasco and military drafting. The youth of America would not take this. Practically, the youth of America did not want to trust anyone above the age of 30!  The youth became Hippies, created their own communities, listened to psychedelic music, embraced the sexual revolution, and used drugs such as cannabis, LSD, peyote and psilocybin mushrooms to explore altered states of consciousness. But, these things do not satisfy the self either.

Abhay Charan had taught them that only unalloyed devotion that satisfies the self. Martin Luther King espoused "if you don't have a cause worth dying for, your life is not worth living for". Spreading the message of unalloyed devotion actually became the life and soul of a section of the Hippies. Some of them gave up everything to build Palace of Gold.  The architectural detail was exquisite. The rose garden outside is voted one of the best rose gardens in America. They have a large pond with peacocks around. Lots of cows. Idyllic. They have a large organic farming experiment, the best one I have seen or heard of.
Actually, the Hippies ended up building something greater: a community with an answer to the biggest challenges facing America. America is facing a mental health and physical health crisis. 6% of America is clinically depressed and 30% of America is obese. The IQ of students is diminishing due to the faltering quality of (fast) food they eat. Princeton and Harvard have not, yet, produced a good blueprint to solve this problem. They misdiagnosed the problem: even the entirety of whatever there may be within the world to satisfy one's senses cannot satisfy a person whose senses are uncontrolled. This community espouses Yoga (unalloyed devotion) as the answer. I could practically feel that the IQ of the people here is as good as, if not better, than the elite universities faculty.

A stunning facet of my visit was the quality of the food they served me. One could taste the high Emotional Quotient of the cooks! I made new friends Thomas and Matt by serving them this food. Thomas articulated how good music can change the world by cleansing our hearts. I explained to them how Indian thought can be a shining light to bring about world peace.
Finally, I got a special kick when I saw these Americans chantting "Ganga matha ki jaya. Yamuna matha ki Jaya." (All glories to rivers Ganga and Yamuna). After all, the biggest crisis facing India is the disappearance of river Yamuna and pollution of river Ganga.

My favourite quote of Prabhupada:
We must know the present need of human society. And what is that need? Human society is no longer bounded by geographical limits to particular countries or communities. Human society is broader than in the Middle Ages, and the world tendency is toward one state or one human society. The ideals of spiritual communism, according to Yoga, are based more or less on the oneness of the entire human society, nay, of the entire energy of living beings. The need is felt by great thinkers to make this a successful ideology. Yoga will fill this need in human society. It begins, therefore, with an aphorism, janmādy asya yataḥ, to establish the ideal of a common cause.
Human society, at the present moment, is not in the darkness of oblivion. It has made rapid progress in the fields of material comforts, education and economic development throughout the entire world. But there is a pinprick somewhere in the social body at large, and therefore there are large-scale quarrels, even over less important issues. There is need of a clue as to how humanity can become one in peace, friendship and prosperity with a common cause. Yoga will fill this need, for it is a cultural presentation for the respiritualization of the entire human society.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Qualities of an ideal head of government

Srimad Bhagavatam discusses qualities of an ideal king:

The personal qualities of DhruvaMahārāja described herein are the exemplary qualities of a saintly king. Not only a king but also the leaders of a modern democratic or impersonal government must be qualified with all these godly characteristics. Then the citizens of the state can be happy. It is clearly stated here that the citizens thought of Dhruva Mahārāja as their father; as a child, depending on the able father, is completely satisfied, so the citizens of the state, being protected by the state or the king, should remain satisfied in every respect. At the present moment, however, there is no guarantee by the government of even the primary necessities of life in the state, namely, the protection of the lives and property of the citizens.

One word is very significant in this connection: brahmaṇyamDhruvaMahārāja was very devoted to the brāhmaṇas, who engage in the study of the Vedas and thereby know the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They are always busy propagating God consciousness. The state should be very respectful to societies that distribute God consciousness all over the world, but, unfortunately, at the present moment there is no state or government support given to such movements. As for good qualities, it is very difficult to find anyone in state administration with any good qualities. The administrators simply sit in their administrative posts and say no to every request, as if they were paid to say no to the citizens. Another word, dīna-vatsalam, is very significant also. The state head should be very kind to the innocent. Unfortunately, in this age the state agents and the presidents draw good salaries from the state, and they pose themselves as very pious, but they allow the running of slaughterhouses, where innocent animals are killed. If we try to compare the godly qualities of Dhruva Mahārāja to the qualities of modern statesmen, we can see that there is no actual comparison. DhruvaMahārāja was present in the Satya-yuga, as will be clear from the next verses. He was the ideal king in Satya-yuga. The government administration in the present age (Kali-yuga) is bereft of all godly qualities. Considering all these points, the people today have no alternative but to take to Goḍ consciousness for protection of religion, life and property.