This book is by David G. Myers is among the several books that use telling facts and revealing statistics to examine the reality behind the globally glamorized American dream of the happy life through wealth and sensual enjoyment.
Since 1960,
- the divorce rate has doubled
- the teen suicide has tripled
- the recorded violent crime rate has quadrupled
- the prison population has quintipled
- the percentage of babies born to unmarried parents has sextupled
- Cohabitation (a predictor of future divorce) has increased seven fold.
- depression has soared - to ten times the pre-world war II level.
Has the American dream turned out to be a masked nightmare? What went wrong?
My take is that American (and Indians and everyone else) forgot to cater to their mind also in their plans to make life more comfortable to the body. We hardly pay attention to resting and recuperating the most overworked "organ" of the self: the mind.
If 5% of the society takes up a holistic life style involving eating right foods and 30 minutes of quiet time in a day, we have a much better chance of address problems of the current world. Americans have forgotten compassion.
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